Amazon claims to be “Earth’s Best Employer” while running an injury machine.

Read our experiences here & add your own!


Worker death & attempted workers’ comp denial, new jersey

My brother in law, Rodger, was a beloved member of our family. Two years ago, he lost his life as a result of his injuries from falling off a ladder at Amazon. Instead of supporting our family, Amazon lied about the cause of his death.

Rodger’s site refused to open a door for the EMTs and police after he fell. They didn’t contact Rodger’s wife until ten days after the tragedy. Instead, I tried desperately to contact the facility. When I finally reached them, multiple Amazon reps told me that Rodger had a history of seizures and that’s why he had died. We were in shock that Amazon would lie this way: Rodger had never had a seizure. The doctors at the hospital also confirmed his death had nothing to do with a seizure—he had severe brain trauma and his body temperature was very high from working in the hot warehouse.

Soon we realized why they were doing this. Amazon didn't want to pay our family workers' comp—not even Rodger's medical bills. It took us taking legal action to get them to honor our workers' comp claim. I also understand that the warehouse made it difficult for OSHA to investigate, including withholding access to the hot area where Rodger was when he died.

There’s no reason for Amazon to treat its own employees with such cruelty when it is the richest company in the world. To Amazon, Rodger was just another number. For my sister, he was the love of her life who she misses every day.


Chronic Pain, New Jersey

“I was responsible for ‘special deliveries’ at an Amazon DSP so I was constantly lifting, delivering, and assembling around 65 heavy objects—like dressers and large TV's—per day. We were pressured to work as fast as possible which often led to accidents. I have serious neck & back pain that I still deal with daily and I have to cover my own medical treatment.”



I worked for Amazon as a sorter. One day there was a jam in the belt, as I began to walk to press the red button to stop the belt, I heard a loud pop in my knee. As required by Amazon, I immediately reported the injury to HR and my manager. I went to several Amazon doctors who basically tried to gaslight me on my injury.

With an X Ray and a MRI, it turned out to be a torn ACL and a torn MCL. Although the workers comp doctor saw the damage, he still returned me back to work. I was cut off my workers comp and forced to return back to work although I was still in extreme pain. While trying to do the task at work that was suggested, I still fell short on completing the job. I was then asked to take a Leave of Absence as they said they could not accommodate my injury.

This injury has caused me to have no income for several months while still dealing with severe pain and frequent hospital visits. As a mother of four children this injury has left me emotionally, mentally physically and financially stressed. This has been a life changing injury.

Anonymous for fear of retribution


“I've worked at Amazon for 7 years. In April of last year, I injured my back trying to lift a heavy box that fell on my foot. I was allowed to rest for 15 minutes and then was sent back to work. Eventually, the pain got so bad that I had to leave my shift early.

The next day, I couldn’t walk so I emailed Amazon. They said I wasn’t eligible for workers comp because I didn’t report my injury the night before. Recently, I learned that I actually have two years to report an injury in the state of New Jersey, so that wasn’t true.

I’ve been diagnosed with spinal stenosis & have felt pain every day since that shift. My doctor says this will be a lifelong injury but Amazon doesn't even want to take responsibility for the treatments I need now.



“In 2022, a heavy metal juice press fell from high up on my head while I was in the air on an order picker. I almost fell off my picker and immediately my head was throbbing.

I told a supervisor and they said “sit in the break room. You have half an hour then you have to go back to work.” I asked them to call an ambulance but the manager said “We can’t do that." They ended up escorting me out of the facility because I tried to call 911 for myself.

I tried to get treatment from Amazon but they made it impossible. They said I needed to be at the facility for an appointment in 15 minutes when the drive for me was 45 mins away—and on my day off. When I argued with them, they told me not to bother coming back.

Since that incident, I’ve had really bad migraines where my vision goes white. I fear I have brain damage but don't have insurance to be able to get treatment and Amazon has never taken responsibility.”

anonymous stories for fear of retribution

  • Delaware - I injured my shoulder and neck, Amazon didn’t fulfill my accommodations and needs. Still suffering both physically and mentally. I also have a final written warning and they denied my appeal. I could lose my job.

  • New Jersey - I work at an XL warehouse. I was injured because I didn’t have a partner and I lifted a box that was 85lbs the wrong way. Instead of them taking responsibility over my injury after my MRI results came back they decided that they wanted nothing to do with it.

  • Wisconsin - I missed 4 months of work due to an injury. Wasn't paid for at least a month and a half of that because their work doctor said I could work... My primary doctor disagreed as I still struggled but because Amazon's approved doctor said otherwise, the rest of my leave was unpaid. I depleted my savings and now barely get by and worry about affording food every week.

Anonymous Fear of Retaliation

2 Herniated discs, new york

I worked at a Delivery Station for Amazon. As I was sorting packages on the sortation line my hand got caught in between an oversized package that was unmarked on the conveyor belt and broke my ring and pinky finger on my left hand. This all happened because they would speed up the conveyor belt because at this time it was during the Prime Day. First off my injury could have been prevented.

I should have not been made to do a 2 person job alone. This injury caused me to lose my apartment and have me fight for my car not to be repossessed several times. Workers comp pay was not enough considering I had to go to physical therapy several times a week which was very far and they paid very little for mileage. My hand still aches and at times go numb.


apathy to worker injuries, New Jersey

I started working for Amazon in 2021 for the inbound stow department. I was injured in 2022 when a box fell on my foot. I notified my Area Manager but instead of sending me to Amcare or getting treatment, she got a bandage out of a first aid kit and told me to wrap my own foot. I worked on a swollen foot for the rest of my shift and finished out my work week that way too.

If I’d known then what I know now, I would have demanded real treatment. It was clear that my manager didn’t care because she basically told me to wrap my own foot and get back to work.


2 Herniated discs, new york

“I worked for Amazon for 7 years. During one shift, I slipped on oil and injured my back while pushing a pallet build line into position. I was referred to an Amazon-approved doctor who downplayed my injury, diagnosing it as a simple muscle strain.

Despite weeks of physical therapy and doctor visits, I was released and sent back to work on full duty, still in pain. After being told I was no longer under Amazon's care, I visited my own doctor and discovered I had two herniated discs, resulting in a sedentary duty assignment. The Amazon doctor had not performed X-rays and misdiagnosed my condition.

My doctor informed me that this could be a lifelong injury, requiring me to walk with a cane most of the time. Despite my injury, I continued working and had to fight for work accommodations under workers' compensation and disability law. I now have lifting restrictions and an accommodated schedule of 8 hours a day, no more than 40 hours a week.

When a PA position became available, I worked hard to achieve the necessary matrix points for an interview. After applying, my scheduled accommodation was mysteriously changed to a full day. HR directed me to the leave of absence team, who confirmed that my accommodation should still be in place, but the warehouse refused to comply. Amazon used this confusion to deny me an interview, claiming I didn't have the required amount of unpaid time to qualify, which was untrue. They only corrected my time after the position had closed, and my schedule reverted to 8 hours.

I constantly had to fight for my job as Amazon tried to "ghost fire" me by messing with my schedule and job assignments to make my work life difficult, hoping I would quit or go negative. This has happened multiple times.”


working on a BROKEN FOOT, New Jersey

I worked at a NJ DSP for two years. While working one day I broke my foot delivering packages. It was very painful—I had never broken a bone in 38 years of my life.

I went out on a medical leave because it took them so long to get my workers comp—they kept giving me the run around. Eventually I had to get a lawyer. When I did finally get approved for workers comp, they stopped it early, making me go back to work even though my foot was still in a boot and I was not supposed to return back to work until 3 months later. That caused me to go weeks with no payments.

When I was able to go back, there was no job to return to. And the pain was and still is unbearable. My foot burns at night and I can't walk for long periods at a time. The depression, fear and frustration I have felt about it were one of the top 3 worst times of my life. I wish it was just another nightmare but when I feel the burn in my foot, I know its reality. 


terminated due to injury, new york

“I worked for two facilities in New York and Connecticut. I slipped and fell off a ladder at my facility in New York. The safety team did a short exam then quickly sent me back to work for the rest of my shift on light duty. I went home in pain and went to the hospital the next day. The doctors told me that I had a torn rotator cuff and a knee injury. At first, I got approved for workers comp but then it was denied. I completed physical therapy but I’m still in a lot of pain. I was terminated because I couldn’t perform my job duties and because I had to take time off to recover. When I worked at the second facility, I was placed on leave and then terminated again because I couldn’t keep up with the work because of my injury flaring up again.”


“I started working as a delivery driver for a DSP in 2023 and worked there for over a year. I experienced severe pain to my right shoulder on Feb 26th, 2024, but I started to feel a strain in my shoulder so I notified my supervisor immediately. I asked my supervisor to send me to a doctor but was told I would have to go on my own.

I decided to go to urgent care after my shift, where I was told by doctors I had severely strained my right shoulder and needed to be place on light duty until my pain left. I went back to work with the letter from urgent care and handed it over to my dispatcher and operations manager. Instead of giving me light duty or workers comp, my route was then cut and I was placed on standby until I was terminated due to having upcoming doctors appointment for my shoulder.

terminated due to injury, DYY6 NJ


I started working at Amazon in November of 2020. In 2021, I suffered an injury to my lower back. I told my area manager about the injury but instead of covering my treatment, I was told to go on an unpaid leave of absence.

After that ended, I came back to work on an accommodation but my managers constantly pressure me to perform at full duty even though my doctor says I can't lift heavy objects and need to wear a back brace.



"I've worked at Amazon for 3 years and have been injured and experienced countless situations of harassment and mistreatment.

I suffered a lower back injury, Amazon did treat me but my experience was not pleasant when I asked if I was going to receive pay while having to be off work while I healed.

harassment due to injury


illegal violation of accommodations, New York

“I worked for Amazon at two different locations one at the warehouse and the other at Amazon grocery store all within a span of 6 months. By the 4th month, I was experiencing severe pain.

Although I had a prior injury (sciatic pain), it was not that bad until I was forced to work over my accommodation limits. I was made to lift very heavy items even though my paperwork said I couldn’t.

I had provided documentation to the site I was at that gave specific details on what I could and couldn't do but they didn't care. This has made my condition a lot worse.”


almost terminated & homeless due to injury, new JERSEY

I've been working at Amazon for two years. In March, I injured my finger while handling heavy items. When my manager questioned my low rate, I explained the situation and got sent to Amcare. They connected me with a virtual doctor who advised Tylenol, a splint, and no lifting over 5 lbs. But over time, the pain got worse.

When I finally went to the ER, they told me I had an infection and would need surgery, which I can't afford on my own. Because I could no longer keep up with rate, my managers told me to go home. They promised I'd be covered by Workers' Comp and that the time I took off while I recovered would be forgiven. But my workers' comp claim was denied. Then, I was notified I would be terminated because of the time I'd taken off. I was horrified. If I was fired, me and my two daughters would be homeless.

Ultimately, I was able to save my job by getting HR to forgive the time I'd taken off with an unpaid leave of absence. I still haven't been able to get the surgery and medical treatment I need but I'm working on my injured hand and doing what I can to keep up with the rate because I can't afford to lose my job.


forced to work through injury, New York

I have been working for amazon as a walker for a year and a half and I have been injured twice while working. The first time I injured my knee while pulling a cart in the streets of Manhattan and nothing was done and they gave me a hard time. Now my ankle is messed up from doing my job delivering packages for Amazon and when I reported the injury they made me still work through my shift with no care for me as an employee.

They won't even give me treatment or allow me to take off to get proper treatment. So I have been just dealing with the pain of an injured knee and a messed up ankle. These injuries are taking a toll on my body.

Anonymous for fear of retribution

terminated after injury & forced to repay unemployment

One day, I passed out at Amazon. I couldn't move because of the back pain that I was in and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I had to go to the hospital in an ambulance.

I was terminated for job abandonment but felt relieved to be approved for my unemployment and to not be working there anymore.

Months later though, I got a letter in the mail saying I had to pay everything I'd gotten in unemployment back to Amazon. This was incredibly stressful, emotionally and financially for my entire family. It changed our lives.


Forced to work through back injury, NEW JERSEY

I worked for Amazon for 9 months as a DSP driver. I was required to lift a lot of heavy boxes which caused my back extreme pain. Although I reported my injury to my managers, it fell on deaf ears. I was still made to continue my route with no medical treatment from the company and when I would ask, they’d give me the run around which caused me to have to seek outside physical therapy and treatment from a chiropractor.

This was a very stressful work environment that has left me with pain and anger towards a company that doesn't care about their workers.

Anonymous for fear of retribution

Lifelong injury, accommodation violations, wrongful termination

I worked for Amazon for a couple of years at several DSP stations. I was a driver who drove the big box trucks at times and also had to unload them. One day at work I was moving around something and all of a sudden my back and waist gave out on me and I felt a shooting pain and I couldn't move at all. I ended up at the ER and had to take all kinds of steroid medications for the excruciating pain. While I was out on a medical leave I was constantly harassed to come back to work stating that my job was in jeopardy.

I returned back to work reluctantly because my body was not where it should be but because I didn't want to lose my job I returned. Although my accommodation was for light duty I was still required to do work that was not under my accommodation. Eventually I was terminated, implying that it was for a DOT ticket, even though I had taken the DOT class that was required of me. I applied for unemployment and they tried to stop it but because I had all my documents, unemployment ruled in my favor. I am still dealing with severe pain.

My body is no longer the same and I feel like an old lady even though I am 34 years old. I am dealing with sciatic nerve damage which my doctor says will be a lifelong issue.

Ameerah Barnville

lifelong injury with no workers’ comp, New Jersey

I worked for amazon at several Amazon DSP stations as a Delivery driver. One day while delivering packages in a town that has many hills and as I got out of the back of the truck, I fell on my back and hit my head. I called my dispatch station to inform them of my injury and they did not care. All he asked was can I finish my route. Not one question of “Are you ok?” He told me all these hoops I would have to go through if I wanted to take it further.

As a single mom with small children recently widowed and just moving into a new place, I was worried about how I would take care of my family. My back now keeps me in constant pain. I have been diagnosed with sciatic nerve damage. I can no longer stand for long. My leg constantly goes numb with a shooting pain that is unbearable. I will never work for Amazon again but this has left me with no form of income and it’s hard to work elsewhere with the pain I’m in.


Lifelong injury with no workers’ comp, new york

I worked at a DSP station for Amazon for two years. Just before I left, I noticed I had a knee injury from lifting all the heavy boxes. At times my knee will just lock out of place on me, and you can visibly see my knee move from side to side which causes excruciating pain and stops my mobility.

I have never had knee issues prior to working for Amazon. I don't know if I should have surgery or just go to physical therapy. My doctor said it can just lock out of place on me at any time without warning and this really scares me!  I have been just trying to get through the pain of this injury, but it hurts everyday. 


Loss of wages due to injuries, New Jersey

I work at a DSP station for Amazon. One day while performing my duties a box fell on my face and hit me hard! Turned out it was a 21 pound box that caused so much pain. It was bleeding pretty good! I ended up having to go to Amazon’s doctor. Amazon seemed pretty upset because the doctor put me on a 24 hr light duty accommodation—which I felt was not enough. My nose was healing on the outside so to them it didn't look like the pain I was saying I was in did not match, as if it didn't hurt. My eyes had pressure and felt swollen behind the eyes.

The doctor said the box hit a nerve and bruised it and that's what's causing the pain and pressure. I worked till 7 am and went to the doctor then had to bring the clearance paperwork back and had my 2.5 hours excused instead of paid for. The same thing happened when I hurt my leg. I only got paid the first day and excused the rest. A work injury caused me to lose wages that I couldn't afford to lose.


STUCK with the bill for work emergency, new jersey

I was working at a delivery station when a driver threw a box and it broke. The box had white dust in it that got on my station but I kept working thinking it was nothing. Then I started to feel really bad. My face, hands, arms, back and eyes an entire body started itching really bad and turning red. I told my supervisor what was happening to me and she just said “we have to call the supervisor” so I went with them and explained and they said “go to the break room and take 15 minutes.” I was sitting there and everyone was staring at me because I looked so bad. My throat was itching really bad internally and I have asthma and I was scared because I had no idea what might happen. 

I told them I needed medical help but they said I should just go home and they would just excuse my hours. I had to tell them over and over that I felt really bad and I couldn’t just go home. They said “okay we have to take you to HR.” They kept me waiting there for 2 hours. It was clear they didn’t care about how I was, they cared about making sure they were covered. If someone really had something life-threatening, they would just die with the amount of time it took them.

They finally called an ambulance that took me to the hospital where they gave me injections and pills and told me to rest. I never really found out what it was but I ended up having to pay $1000 because Amazon didn’t cover any of it.

Amazon treats us like machines but we're people who deserve to be treated with respect.


Managers refused to call 911 after a gas leak, California

“They don’t care. At my location there was a gas leak, 2 employees passed out and another employee had to call 911 because the managers refused to clear the building.”


attacked by dogs, new Jersey

I worked for Amazon at a DSP station. While doing my route I was attacked by 2 dogs that pushed their way through an unlocked door. The dogs were viciously attacking my body and I had to fight through the pain as they were biting me to save my life! I had to take several rabies shots. We don't have any protective gear to fight off these type of attacks.

I still had to work my shifts. They showed no concerns! The only thing they did was allow someone to relieve me of my route so I could go get rabies shots.

I am now mentally, emotionally, scarred from this attack. This attack has changed my view on being an Amazon Delivery person.


chronic pain, new jersey

I worked at an Amazon warehouse for 8 months doing 10-hour shifts. The work is very repetitive. There is a lot of pulling and twisting you have to do at a very fast pace. I used to stow and my upper shoulder got hurt and now every time I use my arm it aches in the back.


self-pay for work-related surgery, new York

While working at one of Amazons warehouses, I was loading a cart to stage it, but it was too heavy so I asked for help but no one helped so I had to pull and push the cart to the staging area myself. My shoulder's roller cuff got injured and this wasn't the first time! I tried to work after but I couldn't.

I didn't report it because I felt like this is what I signed up for so I didn't complain and no one would listen anyways. I had to get surgery to fix it on my own.


wrongfully terminated, new jersey

When I started I was not trained properly as a packer and hurt my back from having to lift heavy objects. My injuries were so severe and unbearable even when I came back to work. But they didn't follow protocol when I was sent home.

I later was wrongly fired and had to endure lost wages and all.


forced to work through injuries, new York

Well while I was receiving a palette, the whole palette fell on my leg. My leg was swollen and it hurt a lot! I also got hurt in the freezer as well because everything was always so messy, nothing was ever done to prevent these kind of injuries.

They don't care for women that are pregnant either! I worked with that company while I was pregnant and they didn't really care! They have no care for any family emergency or if your not feeling well at all!


chronic pain, NY

I work at a DSP station for Amazon as a helper. I got injured a few times but some I never reported. I injured my leg with oversized boxes. My feet, back, shoulders, hands and feet are in pain all the time. The safety shoes don't make things better.

I feel as if we get paid for one job, but we do many more throughout our shift. Majority of the associates have the same injury or bodily pain on a daily basis. They continue to push us as if we're robots!

Anonymous for fear of retribution

Herniated disc & fired

I got injured at EWR7 and I took the steps of reporting my injury and the management acted like I l never reported so I didn’t get treated for my injury until a week later after complaining day after day when I first got injured. When I finally got seen by their doctors who told me I had a lumbar sprain and now my MRI shows I have a herniated bulging disc in my lower back both sides.

I’m always in pain and can’t do normal activities and yet I’m still being bullied and harassed at work because I went over their heads to report my injuries.

While being questioned my medical history was told out loud by one of the managers in front of numerous people. I took the next steps to report that as well and have multiple witnesses and it still got thrown out. I’m hurt, embarrassed and emotionally scarred.


denied treatment, new jersey

I was working in Carteret, New Jersey at EWR9 and a blue cart that is used to transport things dismantled on me and fell on my knees.

They didn’t want me to go to the hospital. They just kept letting me have 3 hours of an ice pack on my knees before every shift for only a month, but it still hurts to this day.

anonymous stories for fear of retribution

  • California - My sugar went low, I needed my insulin and they denied me from going home and said that I needed to stay mandatory overtime

  • Illinois - Damaged my ankle and Amazon did not cover it because they said they didn’t see anything on the video so basically they didn’t give me no Worker’s Comp or anything I had to take a personal leave with no pay

  • Oregon - I have permanent back and neck injuries from working at amazon. These injuries cause chronic migraines. I also have neuropathy in my feet from working and walking 25+ miles a day at Amazon on concrete.


miscarriage at amazon, florida

I had a miscarriage on the clock at Amazon! I returned to work the same week because I didn't have enough PTO to cover time off to recover. I told my manager what happened because they were hounding us all about our "picks per hour" and all he said was "do the best you can do".

There was no offer to take time off unless it was an unpaid medical leave of absence which I don't believe is fair because the only reason I miscarried was because I was working long strenuous 12 hour shifts on the 4th floor of a hot warehouse with no elevators. Amazon doesn't care about their employees at all

Anonymous for fear of retribution

forced to work through injuries, FLORIDA

My partner has an injured knee as an Amazon delivery driver and got fired and also denied the help he needed. I almost fell out at Amazon, extreme pain in my legs and feet where I could barely walk and would get worse and was just told to try different shoes. When I did, nothing worked.

I have a very bad spot in my back that I’m currently getting checked out that has bothered me throughout the years I just never paid too much attention. Now I can barely do much physically!

Anonymous for fear of retribution

attacked by dogs & got no help, delaware

I was attacked and bit by a loose German Shepherd while on a delivery route for Amazon. Amazon did nothing about it and told me to keep working even though my injury was bleeding and purple

Anonymous for fear of retribution

forced to work through injuries, Indiana

I injured my wrist on the job and they kept sending me back to work after ice and ibuprofen until I finally put my foot down and demanded that they send me to a doctor because it wasn’t getting any better after 2 months. It got to a point where I could not bend my wrist without pain shooting down my arm.


injured ankle & forced to work, washington

I injured my ankle and they sent me to AmCare. They just gave me ibuprofen and sent me back to work on a bad ankle!

Over time, my ankle just got worse!


accommodations denied multiple times, virginia

I worked at an Amazon Warehouse Facility in Virginia. I needed an accommodation, but it was never approved. I also asked to be sent to another site that could accommodate the issue I was having, it also was never approved. They would not approve my accommodation so I was forced to keep the same schedule doing the same work.

Although I had all the proper paperwork they requested for my accommodation, they just didn't care! This caused my issue to get worse. I was left out of work and without pay for 6 months. They just refused to help anyway possible.  


Chronic back pain & lost wages, new york

I have been with Amazon for 1 year. I hurt my back at work from working 2 different lines with no help. I went to AmCare and sat down with the ice pack for 20 mins and was back at work until the end of my shift. The next day after work I went to the hospital because of the pain. They ended up giving me injections and muscle relaxers for the pain.

Now I can't stand for too long or sit for too long. I can't go back at this time due to my pain level and they won't accommodate the issue I'm having with my back. They have just been putting my time in the negative.  I'm now dealing with back pain, lost wages and now I may be unemployed because of a work injury.

Anonymous for fear of retribution

Forced to work through injury, California

I was working in a trailer and when I stepped out, I twisted my ankle due to the dock plate being really high. I went to their doctor and they put me on easy work where I wasn’t standing on it. The Amazon doctor didn’t believe that I was in pain because I was off of it and didn’t show signs of swelling.

It took a whole month for me to finally get approved for an X-ray and they wanted me to wait another month for the results. At that point, I just gave up and went back to working in pain.


had to pay for medical emergency, maryland

I was working and I had to climb a ladder and fell and sprained my ankle went to an emergency hospital because AmCare did nothing. I got billed from my own insurance due to Amazon telling me I didn’t report it when I did report the injury.

When I went to AmCare, all they did was give me a icepack and had me sit for 15 minutes. When I went to Patient Care I found out my ankle was sprained and ended up having to wear a boot.


Injured & rushed for rates, New york

I have been worked for Amazon for 3 years in sortation, while working I injured my back from lifting a 30-40 pound case of water cause it was placed onto the bottom rack. And when I pick all of the items are on the bottom row.

Now I may have to go to physical therapy from the amount of work they rush us to do. And you face being fired if you don’t get it done in a timely matter. I was working in decant and the metal flap cut me deep enough that I almost had to get stitches!


had to pay for medical emergency, New Jersey

I was given a van that was fully packed already. When I got to my first stop and opened the vans door the heavy boxes fell out of the door on to me. I called dispatch and told them, and they told me to just finish out my shift even though I told them plenty of times that I was in pain on my whole right side and I can’t pick up anything heavy at that point. I did try and I dropped a lot of packages.

I called dispatch again and they said the same thing so I called the manager and told him I’m in way to much pain I can’t deliver anymore. After two hours they sent someone to come and relieve me and they took all of the packages. When I got back to the lot I was told I will receive a call the next day. After three days I got a call being fired because I had to be relieved due to me being hurt!

Anonymous for fear of retribution

accommodations violation

I injured my knee on the job and was denied long term disability. I had surgery and therapy and went back to work with accommodations that were approved—but my site is not honoring my accommodations.